A New Investor Consensus:
The Rising Demand for Healthy Buildings
Kilroy Realty
Examining Investor Viewpoints on Health and Wellness
We set out to determine the impact of COVID-19 on demand for healthy buildings and what implications the sector’s response might have for future real estate investment decisions. This report captures the insights of an international sampling of real estate investors representing USD $5.75 trillion total AUM.
“Responsible real estate investors have awakened to the notion that the buildings we manage for our clients are part of the critical infrastructure that cities will rely on for the resilience, health and well-being of their citizens.”
— Amy Price, President, BentallGreenOak
A New Investor Consensus Webinar: May 25, 2021
Webinar Panel: Jonathan Brasse, Senior Editor, PERE (moderator); Jeffrey Brodsky, Vice Chairman, Related Companies; Jill Brosig, Chief Impact Officer, Harrison Street; Joanna Frank, President & CEO, Center for Active Design; and Amy Price, President, BentallGreenOak
About the Survey Respondents
“This study quantifies for the first time the extent to which the industry is focusing on health and wellness in ESG investment strategies.”
— Joanna Frank, President and CEO, Center for Active Design and Fitwel®
At-A-Glance: Report Highlights
Real estate investors expect demand for healthy buildings to grow in the next three years, a compelling signal and just one of many findings captured in A New Investor Consensus: The Rising Demand for Healthy Buildings —the largest health and wellness study of global real estate investment that managers have ever conducted.
Coordinated by BentallGreenOak (BGO), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the Center for Active Design (CfAD), the study defines healthy buildings as those optimized for occupant health and safety through a mix of siting, design, and operational strategies that measurably improve physical, social, and mental health indicators.
The report reveals how COVID-19 has elevated the importance of health in investment decision-making and how respondents intend to enhance their wellness-related asset management strategies in the coming year. It also outlines three major recommendations for how the sector might better incorporate health and wellness initiatives into its ESG strategies.
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About the Authors
The Center for Active Design (CfAD) is a global non-profit organization using design to foster healthy and engaged communities. In 2017, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. General Services Administration selected CfAD to serve as the exclusive licensed operator of Fitwel, a rigorous, third-party healthy building certification system that sets thgge industry standard for evidence-based strategies promoting positive health outcomes for occupants and communities.
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a partnership between UNEP and the global financial sector to mobilize private sector finance for sustainable development.
BentallGreenOak is a leading, global real estate investment management advisor and a globally-recognized provider of real estate services.