A New Investor Consensus: Citations

The following citations support key points in A New Investor Consensus: The Rising Demand for Healthy Buildings (March 2021).

1) AUM numbers were provided by the company or verified by a reputable source. Currency conversions are based on the conversion rates available on December 31, 2020

2) Principles for Responsible Investment. (2017). ESG Integration: Social Issues. UNEP Finance Initiative and United Nations Global Compact. Retrieved from https://www.unpri.org/download?ac=6529

3) Watson, S. (2020). A picture of health. PERE Sustainable Investing: How is the sector measuring up on ESG? Retrieved from perenews.com

4) Baker, S. (2020). Global ESG-data driven assets hit $40.5 trillion. Retrieved from Pensions & Investments: https://www.pionline.com/esg/global-esg-data-driven-assets-hit-405-trillion

5) Hill, R., Binns, A., & Gioia, F. (2021). ‘Green’ SASB – the unlabeled ESG opportunity. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC.

6) Sadikin, N., Turan, I., and Chegut, A. MIT Real Estate Innovation Lab. (2020). The Finanical Impacts of Healthy Buildings.  https://realestateinnovationlab.mit.edu/research_article/the-financial-impact-of-healthy-buildings/

7) CBRE. (2016). Wellness in the workplace: Unlocking future performance. Retrieved from https://www.cbre.co.uk/-/media/cbre/countryunitedkingdom/documents/cbre101211-wellness-in-the-workplace_final.pdf

8) PWC. (2011). Millennials at work: Reshaping the workplace. Retrieved from https://www.pwc.com/co/es/publicaciones/assets/millennials-at-work.pdf

9) CBRE. (2016). Millennials: Myths and Realities. Retrieved from http://cbre.vo.llnwd.net/grgservices/secure/Millennials

10) Lassar, T., Federman, M., & Hammerschmidt, S. (2014). Building for Wellness: The Business Case. Urban Land Institute. Retrieved from https://uli.org/wp-content/uploads/ULI-Documents/Building-for-Wellness-The-Business-Case.pdf

11) Pivo, G., and Fisher, J. D. (2011). The walkability premium in commercial real estate investments. Real Estate Economics, 1-35.

12) Cortright, J. (2009). Walking the Walk: How walkability raises home values in U.S. cities. CEOs for Cities. Retrieved from https://nacto.org/docs/usdg/walking_the_walk_cortright.pdf

13) Nicholls, S. (2004). Measuring the Impact of Parks on Property Values: New Research Shows that Green Spaces Increase the Value of Nearby Housing. Parks and Recreation, 39(3), 24-32.

14) Jeffrey Brodsky, interview by Joanna Frank, December 14, 2020.

15) Vineet Bedi, interview by Reena Agarwal, February 16, 2021

16) World Economic Forum. (2020). Measuring stakeholder capitalism: Towards common metrics and consistent reporting of sustainable value creation. Retrieved from World Economic Forum: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_IBC_Measuring_Stakeholder_Capitalism_Report_2020.pdf.

17) Kallio, J., et al. (2020). Assessment of perceived indoor environmental quality, stress and productivity based on environmental sensor data and personality categorization. Building and Environment, 175.